Throughout my life, like all of us, I’ve learned lesson after lesson. Experiences have shaped me into being the person that I am today. I grew up as a survivor of child abuse, developed a creative life for myself, and became a mother to two wonderful sons, one born disabled. The discrimination and injustice that my Down syndrome son Christopher faced in society revealed powerful and uncomfortable realities. Those lessons helped me transform myself into a disability advocate, humanitarian, fundraiser, and has led me to achieve a kind of success I could never have at first imagined for myself. Now, I’ve begun a new journey as the author of “Unwanted,” a motivational book that details my trials, errors, successes, and life.
Writing this book has been a transformative journey. Through this experience of embracing my new title as “Linda Smith author,” I’ve found new strengths and ways to keep going. I know that so many people have a book inside of them. Here are some of the lessons I learned that might also help you put your own story into words.
Lesson One: Turn to Those You Love
When writing a book, it can be important to turn to professionals like editors and agents for advice and high-level support, but on an emotional level, there may be nothing as important as the support of your family and friends. Supportive family understands that you need to set time aside for writing and can help adjust the household schedule to make sure you get your words on paper. Friends can encourage your dreams and remind you of the power of your stories. When I wrote my book, my friends and family did everything they could to encourage and spur me on. I couldn’t imagine completing the book without them solidly in my corner.
Lesson Two: Put Something on Paper Every Day
Almost every writer struggles with writer’s block, myself included. Sometimes it seems like the story just won’t flow, and you can’t express yourself as you would like. At other times, you may feel overwhelmed by busy schedules and life tasks. At any of these times, it might have seemed easier to just put the book aside for a few days. Of course, the risk is that a few days can turn into a week, a month, or even more. Every day, discipline yourself to write at least one sentence. You’ll feel the rewards in your commitment to your work as the words take shape before your eyes.
Lesson Three: Cast Out Self-Doubt
Self-doubt is almost an inevitable part of the writing process. Whatever you’ve achieved in life, writing it down and clarifying your own words can be a humbling experience. However, if you prepare by expecting those doubts, you can also feel ready to let it go and eliminate these self-deprecating ideas. Your story is important! You have so much to share. I never imagined that I would become an author, but here I am!
Now you can order my book online and see where it has landed me. Just last week I was at my own launch party. Who would’ve thought! So many lessons have changed my life, and I’ve overcome my doubts to recognize that those lessons can resonate with people around the world with open hearts and dreams for change.